5 reasons to explore La Maddalena archipelago by boat

Tourists who come for the first time in Sardinia often ask to visit La Maddalena archipelago, located off the Costa Smeralda and easily reachable from San Teodoro.
The northern part of our island offers many opportunities for itineraries and tours, so in this article we give you some tips on what to do and what to see once you are in Gallura. The reasons to spend a day on boat visiting some islands could be infinite, we are limited to 5 to arouse your curiosity and invite you to plan in advance your holiday.
The emerald sea of La Maddalena
The beaches of the archipelago are included within the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park, a geomarine protected area that is unrivaled in Italy and that extends along 180 kilometers of coastline. The clearness of the waters and the color shades ranging from turquoise to blue, and from the emerald to azure, are the result of the position of the islands, located at the Strait of Bonifacio, and the shallow depth of its straits; the seabed is a treasure trove of natural beauties which can be admired by snorkeling, of course to do with the proper equipment and followed by experienced scuba divers.
The historic center of La Maddalena Island
The historic center of the largest island of the archipelago shouldn't be neglected in your itinerary, due to the architectural style of its buildings, quite different from the rest of Sardinia.
Here, in fact, the tall buildings which are at via Amendola and piazza Comando stand out because of their colors and the narrow balconies that make them look like the typical palaces of the Italian Riviera. The wide avenues and the long rows of palm trees accentuate the uniqueness of this charming town, suitable for a romantic walk or a stopover dedicated to shopping.
The Pink Beach of Budelli Island
Budelli is a small island inhabited by a single person who has the role of guardian. It is one of the symbols of the exceptional nature of Sardinia, due to its Pink Beach.
The incredible color of the sand is due to the fragments of a microorganism called Miniacina miniacea.
Because of its uniqueness, here you cannot take a bath nor go to the beach, but you can see it such as an artwork. The supreme beauty of Budelli Island is worth a visit during your tour, we are sure that you won't regret it.
The Santa Maria Island
Not far from Budelli, this island is renowned for Cala Santa Maria, a white sandy beach where the crystal clear waters are a strong attraction for tourists, besides to the remains of the convent built by Benedictine monks, now incorporated in the house of the shepherd who lives here.
For a panoramic view over the entire archipelago, we recommend to reach the lighthouse of Punta Filetto, situated at the end of a trail that starts from Cala Santa Maria.
The Spargi Island
Spargi is one of the largest islands of the archipelago and is the favorite destination of many rare species of birds. This island is also characterized from the majesty of its granite rocks and the presence of ancient shipwrecks in the sea bottom, such as the remains of a Roman ship, now kept in the naval museum at La Maddalena Island.
An oddity that you will see in Spargi is the Testa della Strega (Witch Head), a rock sculpted by wind and water whose profile seems to be a witch.
To reach these islands, please contact Babitours, agency that organizes boat trips departing from Porto Rotondo, a good opportunity for an engaging experience in Sardinia. www.babitours.com